USDT is an asset that moves across a blockchain just as easily as other digital currencies but that is pegged to $USD on a 1-to-1 basis. Tether Tokens are referred to as stablecoins because they offer price stability as they are pegged to a fiat currency. This offers users a low volatility solution when utilizing digital currencies.
How to buy USDT on Monitok?
How to buy USDT on Monitok?
Seamless steps to get started on USDT trading
Laadige alla ja installige Monitok App
Mine oma seadme rakenduste poodi ja lae alla Monitoki rakendus. Järgige juhiseid kiireks ja lihtsaks seadistamiseks.
Konto loomine
Avage Monitoki rakendus, järgige juhiseid konto ja rahakoti loomiseks. Kaitske see, salvestades rahakoti alglause ja kasutades tugevat parooli.
Osta Tether USD (USDT)
Get USDT on Arbitrum via deposit from another wallet OR using your credit card. Once your account is set up, you can obtain or deposit USDT to start trading efficiently.
Liitu ootenimekirjaga, et saada juurdepääs
Varajane juurdepääs Monitokile
Saate proovida tipptasemel
hübriidvahetusrakendust esimesena
Teenida 1M Monitok-punkte
Saada punkte, mida saab kasutada
Referral premeerib
Soovitage sõpru, et teenida preemiaid
alates $100 000 basseinist
USDT is an asset that moves across a blockchain just as easily as other digital currencies but that are pegged to $USD on a 1-to-1 basis. Tether Tokens are referred to as stablecoins because they offer price stability as they are pegged to a fiat currency. This offers users a low volatility solution when utilizing digital currencies.
USDT is an asset that moves across a blockchain just as easily as other digital currencies but that are pegged to $USD on a 1-to-1 basis. Tether Tokens are referred to as stablecoins because they offer price stability as they are pegged to a fiat currency. This offers users a low volatility solution when utilizing digital currencies.
You can buy USDT directly on the Monitok app with a credit card. Here’s how:
1. Create an account on the app
2. Go to your wallet
3. Click the “Buy” button
4. Follow the steps & input your credit card information
Voila! You just bought USDT with a credit card.
Pangaülekannete tegemiseks saate kasutada mitmeid Monitokis integreeritud edasi-tagasi teenusepakkujaid. Voog näeb enam-vähem sarnane välja:
1. Mine oma rahakotti
2. Vajutage nuppu "Osta".
3. Valige summa, mida soovite osta
4. Valige makseviis "Käsitsi pangaülekanne"
5. Mine oma pangakontole
6. Saatke raha oma pangakontolt kuvatavale IBANile koos kuvatava viitekoodiga.
P.S.: Varade ülekandmine teie kontole võtab kuni kaks päeva.
Monitok on isehooldusvahetus koos 100+ DEX-i hindade koondamisega, et tuua teie kauplemiseks parim hind. Samuti on isehaldusega ainult teil juurdepääs oma varadele, koos saate jälgida kogu oma portfelli Monitoki mobiilirakendusest. Lisaks sellele, meie fiat on/off-ramp funktsiooniga, ei ole teil vaja mitut rakendust, saate osta/müüa kogu oma krüpto- ja fiat-rakenduses.
Tether is a token and it means it is a cryptocurrency, which based its activities on the blockchain of other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum Blockchain or EOS Blockchain.
Vaadake rohkem märke
Kaubelda ja hallata üle 100 erineva krüptovaraga, mis on Monitokis saadaval.