Buy USDM Token in seconds

Buy USDM token securely on Monitok hybrid exchange. Use a card or bank transfer. Start with as little as $1.

Buy USDM token



1 ≈ 0.8923 EUR

Visão geral
Ativo desde
March 2024
Capitalização bolsista
USD 0.00
Volume nas últimas 24 horas
USD 0.00
Alimentação circulante

What makes USDM Token special?

The USDM token, introduced by Mountain Protocol, is a fully-backed, fiat-pegged stablecoin designed to maintain a 1:1 value with the US dollar. What makes USDM special is its emphasis on transparency and compliance, ensuring that each token is backed by real-world assets and subject to regular audits, which enhances trust and reliability among users. Additionally, USDM integrates seamlessly with various DeFi platforms, providing a stable medium of exchange and store of value within the decentralized finance ecosystem.

How to buy USDM Token on Monitok?

How to buy USDM Token on Monitok?

Seamless steps to get started on USDM token trading

Descarregar e instalar a aplicação Monitok

Navigate to your device's app store and download the Monitok app. Follow instructions for a quick & easy setup.

Criar uma conta

Open the Monitok app, follow the prompts to create an account and wallet. Secure it by saving the wallet's seed phrase and using a strong password.


Get USDM on Polygon via deposit from another wallet OR using your credit card. Once your account is set up, you can obtain or deposit USDM to start trading efficiently.

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Acesso antecipado ao Monitok

Experimente a aplicação de troca híbrida de última geração aplicação de bolsa híbrida de última geração

Ganhar 1 milhão de pontos Monitok

Obter pontos que podem ser utilizados na aplicação

Prémios de referência

Recomendar amigos para ganhar prémios a partir de $100 000

Why Monitok is the best way to buy USDM?

Lightning fast transactions

Buy USDM using a card or SEPA bank transfer and see it in your wallet instantly

Métodos de pagamento cómodos

Buy USDM instantly with a credit or debit card, instant SEPA, Apple Pay, manual bank transfer, and more.

Comprar com os melhores preços

Buy USDM with the cheapest rates compared and sourced from 100+ other decentralized exchanges

Purchase the amount that you need

You can buy the amount of USDM starting from $1.

Truly own USDM

Com a carteira de autocustódia da Monitok, proteja e seja dono dos seus activos.

Benefit from the Monitok ecosystem

Compre, troque, venda, envie, ganhe e muito mais com as extensas funcionalidades da aplicação Monitok.

What can I do after I buy USDM?

Liberte o potencial do comércio descentralizado

Pagar taxas de gás

You can use USDM to pay gas fees and facilitate trades and other transactions on Monitok

Apostar e ganhar

You will have a selection of staking options for your USDM


You can trade your USDM for over 100 tokens available on Monitok

Vender e retirar

You can sell your USDM whenever you like to withdraw fiat currency to your bank account

Junte-se à lista de espera para ter acesso

Acesso antecipado ao Monitok

Experimente a aplicação de troca híbrida de última geração aplicação de bolsa híbrida de última geração

Ganhar 1 milhão de pontos Monitok

Obter pontos que podem ser utilizados na aplicação

Prémios de referência

Recomendar amigos para ganhar prémios a partir de $100 000

Convert USDM for other assets


Perguntas mais frequentes

Should you still have questions about our platform, look no further
The USDM token, introduced by Mountain Protocol, is a fully-backed, fiat-pegged stablecoin designed to maintain a 1:1 value with the US dollar. What makes USDM special is its emphasis on transparency and compliance, ensuring that each token is backed by real-world assets and subject to regular audits, which enhances trust and reliability among users. Additionally, USDM integrates seamlessly with various DeFi platforms, providing a stable medium of exchange and store of value within the decentralized finance ecosystem.
You can buy USDM directly on the Monitok app with fiat and/or other cryptocurrencies.
The USDM token, introduced by Mountain Protocol, is a fully-backed, fiat-pegged stablecoin designed to maintain a 1:1 value with the US dollar. What makes USDM special is its emphasis on transparency and compliance, ensuring that each token is backed by real-world assets and subject to regular audits, which enhances trust and reliability among users. Additionally, USDM integrates seamlessly with various DeFi platforms, providing a stable medium of exchange and store of value within the decentralized finance ecosystem.
You can buy USDM directly on the Monitok app with a credit card. Here’s how: 1. Create an account on the app 2. Go to your wallet 3. Click the “Buy” button 4. Follow the steps & input your credit card information Voila! You just bought USDM with a credit card.
Para as transferências bancárias, pode utilizar vários fornecedores de rampas integrados na Monitok. O fluxo é mais ou menos semelhante: 1. Aceder à sua carteira 2. Prima o botão "Comprar 3. Seleccione o montante que pretende comprar 4. Seleccione o método de pagamento "Transferência bancária manual 5. Aceda à sua conta bancária 6. Envie dinheiro para o IBAN indicado com o código de referência indicado da sua conta bancária P.S.: A atribuição dos seus activos à sua conta demora até dois dias.
The minimum amount of any crypto purchase is $1 USD.
Monitok é uma bolsa autocustodial com agregação de preços de mais de 100 DEXs para trazer o melhor preço para sua negociação. Além disso, com a autocustódia, apenas você tem acesso aos seus ativos, juntamente com você pode acompanhar todo o seu portfólio a partir do aplicativo móvel Monitok. Além disso, com nosso recurso fiat on/off-ramp, você não precisa de vários aplicativos, você pode comprar/vender toda a sua criptografia e fiat no aplicativo.
USDM is on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Base.
USDM is a token and it means it is a cryptocurrency, which based its activities on the blockchain of other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum Blockchain or EOS Blockchain.

Ver mais fichas

Negocie e gerencie uma gama diversificada de mais de 100 ativos criptográficos disponíveis no Monitok